1. The
links on the right-hand side of this blog are all additional practice activities
for both math and language arts skills. The links include:
a. Acuity at Home individualized learning tools
b. Raz-Kids online reading program
IRead and ISTEP activities to
prepare students
d. Everyday Math Online
Home Links
Family Letters for each unit
Algorithm explanations
iv. Skill-based games
Lexile reading levels
Destiny: Reagan’s online library
g. Power School-Online grade book
***Each of the following assessments (along with a few other informal assessment pieces) allows me to enrich your child's learning experiences here at Reagan. Each day is prepared with intentional focus for achieving success with your child.
Counts quizzes (Reading Comprehension):
One quiz must be completed (at school) per
month (at this time--this number could increase in January). 95% of the reading for these quiz stories takes place at school. I will
remind the kids of due dates, I will provide time for them to read books at their
lexile levels, and I will provide time for them to take the quizzes at school. *The
next due date is just before Thanksgiving Break.
Assessments (Math and Language Arts Skills):
Acuity B will take place in the winter months
(usually January), and Acuity C will take place prior to ISTEP testing (usually
March). ***At this time, practicing on Acuity
at Home (linked to blog) is not a requirement for nightly homework.
However, it’s a very useful tool for individualized instruction for your child,
and I highly recommend its use at least 3 times per week.
***We use Acuity lessons for math and language arts, one
lesson per day, during our math and literature stations.
***Acuity at Home username and password cards
will come home Friday in your child’s pencil pouch inside his or her binder.
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