Monday, October 29, 2012

Math Homework-Minor Changes

I like to use P/T Conferences as a chance to continue our partnership for creating successful 3rd graders! I had a few parents that feel the home links are so difficult for their child that the parents were doing the teaching again each night. Homework should be ONLY for review. Therefore, I'm starting to push back the home links so that we've had time to work through the skills before they become homework assignments. (***I provide differentiated instructional needs (enrichment, readiness, or remediation) for each child during math stations and whole group each day)).

This week's math homework:
Monday: HL 3.7 Area review
Tuesday: HL 3.8 More area review
Wednesday: HL 4.1 Review from Monday and Tuesday skills
Thursday: HL 4.2 Review from Tuesday and Wednesday skills

***Please keep the program "Acuity at Home" in mind (see right side for link) for additional and specific skills created for your child as an individual.

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