Friday, September 21, 2012

Parent/Teacher Conference Reminders

I'm looking so forward to talking with families on Wednesday, October 10 or Thursday, October 11 during our Parent/Teacher Conferences! Each time slot is only 15 minutes long, though, so please arrive on time! This is greatly appreciated!

Your child is bringing home an orange reminder slip today with your scheduled conference time and date. Many parents signed up for a conference time slot at Parent Night in August, so that time is indicated on the form you'll receive today. If a change is necessary, please just let me know. If no change is needed, no information needs to be returned. I have very few spots available, however, so if you can stick with the scheduled time you already have, I would greatly appreciate that!

Feel free to bring your 3rd grader with you to the conference. I highly recommend that they be an active member of their success this year!

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