Thursday, September 13, 2012

Giving Tree

September makes me think of visits to the apple orchard! Which makes me think of apple trees! Which then reminds me of one of my favorite books as a kid called The Giving Tree! This tree gave and gave and gave to the little boy until she could give no longer . . . eventually he gave something simple back to her: just visiting with her daily again and taking a rest against her trunk as an old man!

The giving in our classroom has been so generous this year! I have many parents helping on every day of the week, snacks are piled up high for our "brain fuel," and other donations have come in when asked! Students are also showing more and more giving with peers. So, thank you so very much for your generosity with items, as well as positive role modesl for your children! I promise to repay you ALL with a successful, mature third grader (in May), who also acts like a good citizen at school and in the community! Thank you for sharing your child with me this year!

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