Monday, January 7, 2013

Weeky Reading Practice (Homework)

Weekly Reading Practice

“Books in Hands” is the foundation for our daily literacy stations. Reading does not stop there, however! Books (or any reading material) in your child’s hands EACH day for just 20 minutes helps to foster a reading habit for a lifetime! A fluent reader will surface through focused reading practice when reading time is provided at HOME, too, in three different ways:


TO:             Read TO your child.

WITH:       Read WITH your child.

BY:              Read BY himself/herself


Your child’s weekly reading homework will challenge him/her to focus on reading (in many different ways with a variety of materials) for two hours or more each week. Please guide your child to use the pages inside his/her reading log folder to help organize weekly reading and his/her Reading Counts quiz titles and scores.


Ideas for building fluent readers:

·       Listen to your child read aloud to you

·       Read aloud to your child

·       Take turns reading together

·       Provide digital books for listening to fluent readers read

·       Provide a variety of reading materials: magazines, newspapers, online news websites for kids (see our class blog for links)

·       Use Acuity at Home interactive lessons

·       Use RAZ Kids online leveled readers and quizzes

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